healthy baby

Healthy Baby Mobile App

Our Humble Attempt : “Healthy Baby and Healthy and Wealthy India”. 360 Degree (Awareness, Monitoring and Proactive support and guidance) with the use of “Siddh Divyang Platform”.

Target Audience also includes Parents with limited education

Guidance about the intellectual and physical growth of the baby from birth to 3 years of age
Observing the physical and intellectual growth of the baby
Immediate expert guidance

Salient Features

Download “FREE” from Google Play store.
Fully Multi Lingual with option to add new languages.
Doctors have agreed to be part of the App.
Content in the form of Videos/ Audio clips/Diagrams and Text in Regional Languages.
Access in “offline” Mode. Internet connectivity required during installation and update.
24 X 7 access to the interactive material at zero dissemination cost.
Module for quarterly monitoring and evaluation of Baby Growth
Module for guidance from database of domain experts.

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To enroll your child, download “HealthyBaby” mobile App from Playstore. Register yourself and then after enroll your child to monitor growth milestones.
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